Imagemovie B2C COMCAVE
Reaching educational goals with joy
Corporate video B2C for COMCAVE.COLLEGE
The background
COMCAVE is Germany's number 1 in adult education. The Dortmund-based company is extremely successful, especially in the area of state-subsidized qualification. With COMCAVE, over 90% of participants reach their goal. In order to achieve this, COMCAVE relies on a mix of individual advice, support and state-of-the-art technology. This is exactly what an attractive corporate video now is to convey to potential participants.
Our task
Development of an online image film for the B2C offer of COMCAVE
Positioning of COMCAVE as a premium provider in the field of adult education
A film makes adults want education
Just take off to a new job: Our image film shows how easy it is to qualify for new assignments, retrain or find a new job thanks to COMCAVE’s flexible, highly individualized learning solutions. Real people, an authentic environment and attractive 3D animations convey complicated processes in an easy-to-understand way. At the same time, COMCAVE’spremium positioning will be transported. The film is used on COMCAVE's website and social media channels.